Why choose a desk

Update:31 Dec 2021

Regardless of whether it is a sedentary office or a long-term standing office, which has a bad physiological effect on the human body, only sitting and standing alternate office is the most scientific and healthiest office method. Alternating sitting and standing office will lead to a major change in healthy office.

The hazards of sitting for a long time
According to Xinhuanet reprinted in "Life Times", sedentary is the most gentle "chronic suicide".
1. Obesity
Sitting for a long time every day, the calorie intake is greater than the calories consumed, the fat in the body is easy to accumulate, and the weight will rise.
2. Memory loss
Sitting for a long time, blood circulation slows down, leading to insufficient blood supply to the brain, resulting in mental depression, manifested as physical fatigue, lethargy, and yawning.
3. Lumbar spondylosis
Staying in a sitting position for a long time, the weight of the whole body is pressed on the bottom of the spine, and the shoulders and neck are not moved for a long time, it is easy to cause stiffness of the cervical spine.
4. Loss of appetite
Long-term sitting and lack of body movement will weaken gastrointestinal motility and reduce digestive juice secretion. Over time, symptoms such as loss of appetite, indigestion, and fullness will appear.
5. Gynecological diseases
Sedentary female compatriots are also prone to gynecological diseases. Many women get cervical diseases not because of poor hygiene habits, but because of sedentary. Sitting for a long time will hinder the production of immune cells, leading to a decrease in resistance. In addition, the blood circulation is not smooth, which is easy to cause gynecological diseases such as cervicitis.

Benefits of lifting tables
1. Prevent diseases of the cervical spine, shoulder spine, waist and hip;
2. It can prevent myopia, hypertension, diabetes, etc.;
3. Can beautify the body, lose weight, and maintain a good figure;
4. Break the traditional bad habits of sitting office and sitting learning to make the human body more stretched and free;
5. When standing up, it can make thinking more diversified, conducive to creativity and inspire inspiration;
6. When you stand up, you can exercise and exercise without affecting the affairs at hand, and you can do two things with one stone;
7. The station office is more humane, which can not only cultivate sentiment, but also significantly improve work efficiency;
8. The lifting table is easy to operate and has a wide lifting space. It is suitable for men and women of all ages;